Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Get 'er Done.

For the record...I HATE that phrase. However, that is currently how I feel about this post. It has been WAY  too long since I've blogged and I am determined to have accomplished something tonite other than watching Teen Mom all night. (Caitlyn and Tyler....SO adorable)

I wore this outfit to the airport/airplane a couple weeks ago when I went to visit my Mom and Sis and their families in Nashville. It is without a doubt the PERFECT travel outfit:
1. Comfy stretchy pants
2. Loose layers for easy adjustment of temperature
3. Easily removed shoes for those pesky security checks

ahhh....that feels better.

Some pics from that weekend:

My sis, doin' what she do :)
(how cute is her outfit? facial expression? not so much...)

Charlotte and her Gramadarlin'

Charlotte and Sarah with good ole Cali (named after my mom's home state :))

Grama and Grandad our gracious hosts