Tuesday, June 29, 2010

It's in my Vintage Genes.

What you ask?
My neurotic search for the ultimate deal?... Obsession with sporting all things odd?.... longing to daydream about the history behind all my thrifted finds?

Well, maybe, but mostly I was talking about that A-S-S!
Holy moly!, today is the day I realized that my ass is the exact genetic mix of my parents. I don't know if its the 70's Calvin Klein's that brought about this revelation but there it is, in all it's...er...glory?
So call me sick, strange, what have you, but consider this your warning...every one of us is slowly turning into our parents...one cheek at a time.

Tube top: Express ($20)
Jeans: Vintage Calvin Klein  ($5)
Sandals: Italian leather thrifted ($8)
Gold elastic belt: thrifted ($?)

My sweet almost-four-year-old rocking her new  "big girl"  haircut...Aunt Maureen strikes again and Charlotte couldn't be happier.
mmmm....gotta love the savory taste of little fingers...something about the way day old dirt, and PB and J goo, compliment the hint of salty booger so wonderfully.

Geez, Meemee, why do you have to give away all her secrets!?

My Mom just posted an answer to my post HERE...love her!


Lori Grimes said...

You gotta long way to go before you turn into you parents. You totally rocked that outfit!

Meemee for only being four you look a little rough!

Terry said...

This is a great post. So how exactly is your ass like mine? Other than being a 25 years younger version? Love Char's hair!

Fashily said...

I dont know how to describe it, Mom...seeing that picture just brought me back to the age when I was butt level to you...you know washing dishes, making dinner...apparently I have alot of ass-files in my memory bank.

Terry said...

Check out my blog, I think I've found the reason

erin said...

Uh-oh. I totally see it.

Please just promise to never blog about that "cheeky" comparison you, mom and I did that one time. K?

Joyce said...

Love the "NEW" hair cut...such a sweet little girl...much fun, also. We had a great time at her 4th B-day!
Yes, you are right, what comes around goes around. Better save those C.C. jeans for Char.!
Love you lots..