Monday, April 12, 2010

Rainy Day Musings...

1. So, apparently wide legs are on the rise again this spring...what!? They were only gone for....wait, were they ever really gone? Anyways, my friend Lex gave my these beauties the other day and I'm debating my dedication to this trend. This particular pair are LOOOWWW...low like you better make sure you've had sufficient waxing recently, low. I opted for a long t-shirt for fear of any muffin top/granny panty combo that might rear its ugly head. not cute.
basically the jury is out for me....

2. On the family front...Meemee went in for a minor procedure.
Not to worry, she came out of it okay. It was nothing a few sewing tools and some aftercare couldn't fix.

The proud surgeon.

3. There is a vintage fairy in our midst. A lovely package of beauties showed up in the mail like manna from heaven, and I couldn't be happier. Many, many thanks to the generous donor. They will come in very handy if not in the shop then DEFINITELY in MY closet! Truly an amazing lady, with great taste!

4. Do you guys know Tumblr? It is sooo cool for quick easy blogging...its sort of the twitter of blogging if you will. It is especially great for specialty/research based blogging. Here is my account that I just started...I am having a ball!


erin said...

Yay! I was hoping you would blog on your off day! so glad to know my pants are back in style...I knew I could just ride the (un)fashion wave and end up fine.

Hey, a blogger tip...when you upload your pics choose "no layout" on the upload screen and photo placement won't be such a headache. Call me if that doesn't make sense! Love you!

Terry said...

I'm so glad Meemee is well again. She is so loved that she had to get better! Who's the vintage fairy? Gorgeous stuff!!

Lori Grimes said...

I don't know many people other than you who can pull off wearing thoes kind of pants! Glad to hear Mimi's gonna be okay that pink monkey is very loved.