Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Day 28 of 30: The Big Screen

Same old actors, slightly different movie.
Not quite a blockbuster...not straight to video.
It's like a good Bromance...predictable, kinda makes you smile and at the end of the day somebody ends up with a face tatoo.

Okay, maybe not that last part. ;)


Brittney said...

i have a knit skirt just like this...'cept mine's a knee-length, not maxi. LOVE it. perfect for summer, don't you think? and i love the waistline. you look so pretty here!
http://adayinlifetoo.blogspot.com (fellow 30x30 remixer...i can't believe you're at day 28! lucky.)

Fashily said...

Yes! I love this skirt/dress thing! It is absolutely PERFECT for summer, nice and lightweight...I am so glad I did this but definitely glad its over..haha!