Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Sartorial Husbandry: Day Two

Dave is a HUGE fan of tights, and especially *these* tights. My theory is that they seem to give my toothpick-like legs the illusion of a little shape. Another favorite is the "Magic Belt". Many a morning I have come out, ready for work, in an outfit a bit too loose for his liking, to which he will comment, "...I think that might need the Magic Belt"

The "Magic Belt" (pictured here) I thrifted about a year ago. During an evening of silliness I decided to try on a succession of outfits that were then vastly improved with the simple application of "The Magic Belt"...
Tell me we aren't the only couple that does dorky things like this?!

Day Two is in the books.  If he keeps this up I might be able to tolerate another five days of this.

Take home message: Dudes dig our legs and waists, even if they do need a little "magic"

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Work it mamma! You are looking good... and I definitely love your magic belt :)